Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015

Τελικά δεν εκανα τίποτα

Am I really typing now?

Long gone are the days were I would return from work, take a shower and chill for what now seems a way too long and wasteful period of time. At some point I'd start feeling my stomach growling and decide to cook something with whatever was available. Those were indeed the times. I would take a forgotten pepper from the back from the fridge combine it with some sauce from the pantry and rice and work my magic. Or not. I didn't care. If I wanted to experiment I would, if it turned out good, fine, if not...delivery menus always on fridge door.

Fast forward to today, having a husband, two kids and a job I finally threw out those menus..ok no I didn't, BUT they are hidden at the back of the drawer for emergencies. I really love good food, love trying it and making it and there is something really satisfying about offering nutritious meals to your family aand friends. People always ask how do I cope having to cook after coming home from work and do the chores and take care of my family.  It must be exhausting. But actually for me cooking is relaxing. Only problem is that when you cook for others you must prepare and get organised. In greek there is a proverb "The wise man's kids cook before they get hungry" (That's a very loose translation by the way) Getting organised for my family's meals is something I only recently have started doing. I love my mom's cooking and I am very grateful for all the help and  hundreds of tupperware meals she sent while I took care of the little ones, but it's time I took over the kitchen bench.

My mission? Prepare 1. a lunchbox that will satisfy my picky toddler,  2. another lunchbox for my husband who is not picky at all but dislikes reheated food 3. have a delicious nutritious meal on the dinner table everyday. EVERY. SINGLE .DAY. OF THE WEEK. So join me and let's find out what works and what doesn't.
P.S Thank God my little one is still breastfeeding.
P.S 2 (I can take the weekends off right?)